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African Radio Ministries September 2021 Mission of the Month

Our September Mission of the Month is African Radio Ministries.  We will be collecting donations all month long. You can make donations at church, mail in a check, or use our giving page and select Mission of the Month.


African Radio Ministries exists to glorify God through mass media. God is depopulating hell and populating heaven in Ethiopia, Liberia and surrounding nations through ARM’s Lutheran worship services on the radio.

The programs are designed to encourage listening groups who eventually become church plants, especially in remote, outlying areas where it would be difficult to support a pastor. These church plants in turn evangelize neighboring communities creating a multiplication of disciples for Christ.


In January, 2005 African Radio Ministries (ARM) began broadcasting weekly Lutheran worship programs in Africa. We are currently aimed at two regions: In Liberia, programs are produced and broadcasted in seven dialects: Kissi, Kpelle, Krahn, Loma, Grebo, Mende and Liberian English.

In Ethiopia, programs are produced in the Addis Ababa office then broadcast from Sout Africa. They are offered in three languages, Amharic, Oromifa amd Tigraye. Listeners make contact the ARM staff at these offices to learn more about what it means to follow Christ. It was a surprise to receive so many letters and calls from Ethiopian prisons, sometimes as many as two hundred in a single month. Prisoners request teaching, Bibles, baptism and prayer. A striking development occurred when 50+ converts in one prison pooled their “allowance” together after listening to the radio programs. These monies are generally given to support the families while inmates are incarcerated. But instead, these inmates collected their mites and employed an outside evangelist to go and preach the Message in a Muslim community. The results were amazing! 2 churches were planted, the newly converted community immediately began building a modest place of worship.