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Operation Kid- to- Kid July 2021 Mission of the Month

Our July Mission of the Month is part of our VBS program this year. Every year we collect donations during VBS for a different organization. You can donate any time this month either in church, mail, or using our giving page and selecting Mission of the Month. 


Operation Kid-to-Kid



This year Operation Kid- to -Kid is helping Ecuadorian families receive Alpacas. Alpacas are uniquely created by God to live in the mountains of Ecuador! They help out in the garden by providing rich fertilizer for hungry plants. Their thick fur is sheared every year and provides warm clothes in the cold Andes climate. Because their feet are not hard like horse or cow hooves, they don’t compact the soil, and that’s good for farming and the environment. Alpacas help provide a critical source of income for many Ecuadorian families.

Group Publishing and World Vision are partnering with VBS kids around the world to help bring alpacas to needy families in Ecuador. Adding an alpaca to a family farm in Ecuador not only transforms the fate of the family but also helps provide jobs and resources to the entire community! Each $10 donation through Operation Kid-to-Kid helps provide life-changing livestock to Ecuadorian families.