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Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch September 2024 Mission of the Month

Our Mission of the Month for September is Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch. We will be hosting a Honey Sunday on September 29th.There will be forms to fill out or you can call the church to set up your order. The honey will be mailed directly to your home. 


Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch is a Christ-centered residential treatment and educational center for children and their families. The Ranch gives children a safe place to live, learn, and heal. We provide exceptional and innovative trauma-informed care to kids and their families through Residential Treatment Facilities, Outpatient Psychiatric and Psychological services, and Spiritual Life activities. In addition, Dakota Memorial School provides personalized education for kids who have psychiatric, behavioral, and trauma issues.

At the Ranch, we create dynamic treatment and education plans for children, specific to the needs of each child and their family. Individualized interventions target each child’s specific issues and builds on their strengths. Each child’s treatment team includes experienced professionals in psychiatry, therapy, nursing, occupational therapy, education, wellness, and spiritual life. We also involve family and community supports whenever possible. 


For decades, congregations across the United States have held Honey Sundays. We invite you to join them — and bring God’s love to a child by organizing a Honey Sunday fundraiser this fall.

When you hold a Honey Sunday, we provide bulletin insert order forms, a poster, and a sample bottle of honey. We suggest a gift of $10 per bottle of honey (you send 70% of the proceeds to the Ranch and keep 30% for your local ministry needs.) We ship the honey to people’s homes 2-3 weeks after receiving the completed order forms.