Congrats Living Word Lutheran Church, Orland Park, IL – Best Church Websites Award Winner!

Worship Folders


Series B Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost (9-15-2024)

9-15-2024 Scripture Readings

Series B Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost (9-8-2024)-1

9-8-2024 Scripture Readings-1

Series B Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost (9-1-2024)

9-1-2024 Scripture Readings

Series B Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost (8-25-2024)

8-25-2024 Scripture Readings

Series B Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost (8-11-2024)

8-11-2024 Scripture Readings

Series B Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost (8-4-2024)

8-4-2024 Scripture Readings

Series B Tenth Sunday after Pentecost (7-28-2024)

Series B Ninth Sunday after Pentecost (7-21-2024)

Series B Eighth Sunday after Pentecost (7-14-2024)

Series B Seventh Sunday after Pentecost (7-7-24)

7-7-2024 Scripture Readings

Series B Sixth Sunday after Pentecost (6-30-2024)

6-30-2024 Scrioture Readings

Series B Fifth Sunday after Pentecost (6-23-2024)

6-23-2024 Scripture Readings

Series B Fourth Sunday after Pentecost (6-16-2024)

6-16-2024 Scripture Readings

Series B Third Sunday after Pentecost

6-9-2024 Scripture Readings

Series B Second Sunday after Pentecost (6-2-2024)

6-2-2024 Scripture Readings

Series B Holy Trinity (5-26-2024)

5-26-2024 Scripture Readings

Series B Pentecost Sunday - Preschool Graduation (5-19-2024)

Series B Seventh Sunday of Easter (5-12-2024)

5-12-2024 Scripture Readings

Series B Ascension of Our Lord (5-5-2024)

5-5-2024 Scripture Readings

Series B Fifth Sunday of Easter (4-28-2024)

4-28-2024 Scripture Readings

Series B Good Shepherd Sunday (4-21-2024)

4-21-24 Scripture Readings

Series B Third Sunday of Easter (4-14-2024)

4-14-24 Scripture Readdings

Series B Second Sunday of Easter (4-7-2024)

4-7-2024 Scripture Readings

Series B Easter Sunday (3-31-2024)

3-31-2024 Scripture Readings

Series B Good Friday (3-29-2024)

3-29-2024 Scripture Readings

Series B Palm Sunday (3-24-2024)

3-24-2024 Scripture Readings

Series B Fifth Sunday in Lent (3-17-2024)

3-17-2024 Scripture Readings

Series B Fourth Sunday in Lent (3-10-2024)

3-10-2024 Scripture Readings

Series B Third Sunday in Lent (3-3-2024)

3-3-2024 Scripture Readings

Series B Second Sunday in Lent

2-25-2024 Scripture Readings

Series B First Sunday in Lent (2-18-2024)

2-18-24 Scripture Readings

Series B Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday Scripture Readings

Series B Transfiguration Sunday (2-11-2024)

2-11-24 Scripture Readings

Series B Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany (2-4-2024)

24-Feb. 2nd

Series B Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany (1-28-2024)

1-28-24 Scripture Readings

Series B Third Sunday after the Epiphany (1-21-2024)

1-21-2024 Scripture Readings

Series B Second Sunday after Christmas (1-14-24)

1-14-2024 Scripture Readings

Series B Epiphany Observed (1-7-2024)

1-7-2024 Scripture Readings

Series B First Sunday after Christmas (12-31-2023)

12-31-2023 Scripture Readings

Series B Christmas Day (12-25-23)

12-25-2023 Scripture Readings

Christimas Eve Service (12-24-2023)

12-24-23 Christmas Eve Scripture Readings

Series B Fourth Sunday in Advent (12-24-2023)

12-24-2023 Scrioture Readings

Series B Third Sunday in Advent-Preschool Program (12-17-23)

Series B First Sunday in Advent (12-3-2023)

12-3-2023 Scripture Readings

Series A Last Sunday of the Church Year (11-26-2023)

11-22-23 Thanksgiving Eve

11-22-2023 Scripture Readings

Series A Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost (11-19-2023)

11-19-2023 Scripture Readings

Series A Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost (11-12-2023)

11-12-2023 Readings

Series A All Saints' Day (Observed 11-5-2023)

11-5-2023 Readings

All Saints Remembered 2023

Series A Reformation Sunday (10-29-2023)

10-29-2023 Readings

Series A Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost (10-22-2023)

10-22-2023 Readings

Series A Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost (10-15-2023)

10-15-2023 Readings

Series A Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost (10-8-2023)

10-8-23 Readings

Series A Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost (10-1-2023)

10-1-2023 Scripture Readings

Series A Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost (9-24-2023)

9-24-2023 Readings

Series A Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost (9-17-2023)

9-17-2023 Scripture Readings

Series A Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost (9-10-2023)

9-10-2023 Scripture Readings

Series A Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost (9-3-2023)

9-3-2023 Scripture Readings

Series A Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost

8-27-2023 Readings

Series A Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost (8-20-2023)

8-20-2023 Scripture Readings