For our March Mission of the Month we will be making Easter baskets for Orland Township again. Last year we made 20 baskets for families in need. We will be making baskets again for both girls and boys from infants to age 12.
Items we could use:
Puzzles, books, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, coloring books, crayons or markers, play doh, kite, small toy, chocolate to fill eggs, tooth brush, body wash, baby wipes, diaper, snacks, and anything you may think a child would like. We would also need baskets, cellophane, ribbon, and grass to make up the baskets. If you would rather donate money then someone can go shopping to get the items. You can either send your money in to the church, drop it off at the church, or use our giving page and select Mission of the Month.
All baskets need to be completed by April 3rd so we can drop them off to the township.